Traditional Uses
Lower blood sugar, tone the digestive system, stimulate bile secretion through liver, stimulate and regenerate gallbladder and stomach, strengthen GI tract, improves blood and GI stagnation, blood cleanser, improve circulation.
Caution must be used with diabetic medications. Be sure to monitor blood sugars and titrate medications properly.
◾Ginger Root
◾Cinnamon Bark
◾Ginseng Root
◾Astragalus Root
◾Prickly Ash Bark
All Herbs in our Formulas are Organic, Wildcrafted, or Consciously Cultivated
Blood Sugar Tincture
Lower blood sugar, tone the digestive system, stimulate bile secretion through liver, stimulate and regenerate gallbladder and stomach, strengthen GI tract, improves blood and GI stagnation, blood cleanser, improve circulation.